The UK's Best Deal Finder Software

Use our software & we guarantee you'll close 3x more leads in the next 60 days or you get a full refund.
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DealGate, At a glance

Find Deals

DealGate is fundamentally a tool that finds deals for your business.

Business Intelligence

Make data-driven decisions. Determine how much credit to issue, who to trust, and more.

Validate Contacts

Email lists are often filled with junk. Use DealGate to validate your contacts.

Track Visitors

Know who visits your website, from where, and when.

Full Refund

Not satisfied? Not closing like crazy? We'll give you a full refund.

Hand Holding

Stuck with something? Our team is here to help you. Access support around the clock.

DealGate Advantages

What else?

Identifying and landing your dream customers is challenging. DealGate is designed to generate high-quality leads and connect you with sales-ready contacts using compliant B2B data.

Location filter screenshot

Leading The Way In B2B Data

Below are the primary benefits of our platform, designed to empower your revenue teams and streamline operations.

Empower with Sales Intelligence

Access comprehensive insights into companies showing genuine buying intent.

Identify Key Decision-Makers

Pinpoint and connect with key decision-makers directly, enhancing your outreach effectiveness.

Seamless CRM Integration

Integrate effortlessly with your existing CRM to enhance data flow and lead management.

intellix productt screenshot

Business Intelligence With Intellix™

We built Intellix for you to access deep reports on companies and individuals, enabling you to make informed decisions and close deals faster.

Intellix™ Credit Scoring

Short, sweet, and to the point. Our credit scoring system helps you identify the most promising leads, and avoid the rest.

People Intelligence

View key decision makers within an organisation and get direct contact paths to them.

Machine Learning Excellence

We employ machine learning / AI to allow you to make data-driven decisions, easily.

Benefits screenshot

Never Let The Pipeline Run Dry

Below are the primary benefits of our platform, designed to empower your revenue teams and streamline operations.

Empower with Sales Intelligence

Access comprehensive insights into companies showing genuine buying intent.

Identify Key Decision-Makers

Pinpoint and connect with key decision-makers directly, enhancing your outreach effectiveness.

Seamless CRM Integration

Integrate effortlessly with your existing CRM to enhance data flow and lead management.

Designed for business teams like yours

Customised pricing for your business needs. No hidden fees.


Book A Demo with our team and access your 10 free leads.

  • Individual configuration
  • No setup, or hidden fees
  • Team size: Unlimited
  • Intellix business intelligence
  • Premium support
  • Free updates
Get startedORBook A Demo & Get 10 Free Leads


Access 12k contacts per year. Perfect for startups & SMEs

For annual plans
£149/mo on monthly billing
  • Individual configuration
  • No setup, or hidden fees
  • Team size: Unlimited
  • Intellix business intelligence
  • Premium support: 24/7
  • Free updates: Unlimited
Get startedORBook A Demo & Get 10 Free Leads


Want more contacts? We can't blame you. Perfect for scaling up.

+£10/ 12k contacts/yr
  • Individual configuration
  • No setup, or hidden fees
  • Team size: Unlmited
  • Intellix business intelligence
  • Premium support: 24/7
  • Free updates: Unlimited
Book A Demo Get startedORBook A Demo & Get 10 Free Leads
Leading satisfaction

How do we compare?

We're the best, our customers said so.

DealGate ranking

... More testimonials

Check out what our customers have to say about our deal intelligence.

"Finding dealshas never been easier, I type my filters in and voila! -- Thousands of my exact target audience."

Sarah Steiner
VP Sales at EzeeToy ltd.

"All the other tools I've used treat the UK as an afterthought.DealGate is UK-first, and thats perfect for us!"

Dylan Ambrose
Lead marketer at PChange GmbH.

"This is the easiest and mostaccurate business intelligence toolI've ever had the pleasure of working with"

Gabrielle Winn
Co-founder of SaaStify ltd.
Any burning questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you compliant with X or Y standards?

We are fully compliant with all the relevant standards. Including GDPR, Data protection, ISO/IEC 27001, PCI DSS, ISO/IEC 27701. Hosting and data processing is done in the EU.

What quality of lead can I expect?

You will be provided with high quality leads that are verified, data will contain a contact name, email, phone number, position, a dozen data points on the company as well as a personalised email or phone script.

How do I get my 10 free leads?

If you Book A Demo with our team we can discus your needs, after that your account will be verified and you can access your leads. -- Alternatively, if you want to jump straight in you can purchase a subscription directly.

Where do you get your data from?

Our database is built and kept up-to-date from over a dozen sources, including our own web crawlers, data partnerships, predictive modeling, in-house research, data licensing as well as many other proprietary methods.

Do you offer free trials?

Nope, as we are a data platform we cannot give access to our data without payment first, this is to stop people abusing our service. If you want to test us out we do offer 10 free leads if you Book A Demo with our team.

Ready to try us out?

Stop twiddling your thumbs with lead generation.